為持續拓展台灣與歐盟於新世代通訊技術合作,經濟部產業技術司與歐盟執委會資通訊總署 (DG CONNECT) 共同舉辦「2024 臺歐盟 6G SNS 聯合研討會」,邀請多位歐盟 6G 旗艦計畫主持人來臺與臺灣 6G 技術專家進行交流,共同分享臺歐驗證合作之寶貴經驗,以及對未來 6G 技術發展趨勢的觀點,以促進雙邊產學研在 6G 領域的深化合作。

       現場將實體展示臺歐計畫合作成果,邀請各界前瞻通訊研發單位一同參與,深入瞭解 6G SNS (Smart Network and Services) 旗艦計畫佈局方向,與歐盟頂尖研究機構交流 6G 技術發展趨勢,誠摯邀請您報名參加,共襄盛舉!


    The world is facing challenges such as global economic restructuring, digital transformation, population aging, urbanization, environmental sustainability and AI revolution. These challenges are the motivation to accelerate the 6G technology development, which can facilitate the cyber-physical integration of digital and real worlds to move towards a smarter, more energy efficient and more sustainable society.

    Taiwan and the EU have been collaborating on targeted opening calls with good results on 5G and right now moving forward to 6G. On this event, both sides will share the project concept and seek the opportunity to continue the collaborations for EU-Taiwan 6G SNS (Smart Networks and Services).
The event will be hybrid and we kindly invite you to join us online.



時間 Time:2024 / 10 / 08 (Tue.) 13:00 - 17:40 (UTC+8)

地點 Venue:臺大醫院國際會議中心 301 (台北市中正區徐州路2號3F)

NTUH International Convention Center R301 (3F, No. 2, Xuzhou Road, Zhongzheng District 100, Taipei City)

指導單位 Advisers:

• 經濟部產業技術司 Department of Industrial Technology (DOIT), MOEA

• 歐盟執委會資通訊總署 DG CONNECT, European Commission

主辦單位 Organizers:

• 工業技術研究院 Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI)

• 台灣資通產業標準協會 Taiwan Association of Information and Communication Standards (TAICS)

• 歐盟6G智慧網路和服務產業協會 The 6G Smart Networks and Services Industry Association (6G-IA)




Pearse O’Donohue

Director for
the Future Networks Directorate of DG CONNECT,

European Commission

Colin Willcock

Chairman of the Board of 6G-IA /

Vice-Chairman of
the Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (SNS-JU)

Erzsébet Fitori

Executive Director of
the Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (SNS JU)

Michael Dieudonné

Project Coordinator of
6G-Sandbox / 

Senior Director of Keysight

Navid Nikaein

CEO and Founder of BubbleRAN / 

Professor, HDR,
Communication System Department, EURECOM

Harald Haas

Van Eck Professor of 
University of Cambridge /

Founder and CSO of pureLiFi Ltd.

Rahim Tafazolli

Head of Institute for Communication System (ICS), University of Surrey /

Regius, FREng, FIET,
WWRF Fellow

Emilio Calvanese Strinati

Smart Devices,
Telecommunications and
Innovation and
Scientific Director,


Pang-An Ting

Vice President of Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) /

General Director of Information and Communication Research Laboratories (ICL), ITRI


Tzong-Lin Wu


Department of
Electrical Engineering,

National Taiwan University

Jiangson Chen

CEO and Founder of
YTTEK Technology Corp.

Su-Wei Chang

Founder and President of TMYTEK

Shin-Lin Shieh


National Tsing Hua University

Charles Liu

Project Manager of 
Telecommunication Labs,

Chunghwa Telecom


Time Topic Speaker
12:30~13:00 Registration
13:00~13:15 Opening Remarks
  • Chiou Chyou-Huey, Director General of DOIT, MOEA

  • Pearse O’Donohue, Director for the Future Networks Directorate of DG CONNECT, European Commission

  • Colin Willcock, Chairman of the Board of 6G-IA / Vice-Chairman of the Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (SNS-JU)

13:15~13:20 Group Photo
13:20~14:00 Keynote Session
  • The European Path Towards 6G – state of play and next steps

​             Erzsébet Fitori, Executive Director of SNS JU (online)

  • Overview of Taiwan’s 6G Academic Research

​             Tzong-Lin Wu, Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University

  • Stride ahead into 6G! - Pragmatic and Innovative Approaches in Taiwan

​             Dr. Pang-An Ting, VP of ITRI / General Director of ICL, ITRI

14:00~14:40 EU-Taiwan Projects Experience Sharing and Future Plan
  • Supporting Architectural and technological Network evolutions through an intelligent, secureD and twinning enaBled Open eXperimentation facility (6G-SANDBOX)

            ​Michael Dieudonné, Project Coordinator of 6G-Sandbox / Senior Director of Keysight

  • 6G-Sense EU Project and EU-TW Collaboration Experience 

​            Navid Nikaein, CEO and Founder of BubbleRAN / Professor of Eurecom (online)

14:40~15:00 Coffee Break
15:00~16:30 EU-Taiwan 6G SNS Opportunities
  • Why and What of 6G

​            Rahim Tafazolli, Head of Institute for Communication System (ICS), University of Surrey

  • PoweR Efficient Multi-functional reconfigurable Intelligent surface for 5G/6G Network

            Jiangson Chen, CEO and Founder of YTTEK Technology Corp.

  • Shaping 6G: TITAN’s Role as the UK Hub in Network of Networks Research

            Harald Haas, Van Eck Professor of University of Cambridge / Founder and CSO of pureLiFi Ltd.

  • 6G RIS & mmWave: Shaping the Future of Smart Connectivity

            Su-Wei Chang, Founder and President of TMYTEK

  • Towards Artificial General Intelligence with Semantic, Goal-Oriented and Reconfigurable Intelligent Environments aided 6G Communications.

             ​Emilio Calvanese Strinati, Smart Devices, Telecommunications and Security Innovation and Scientific Director, CEA-Leti

16:30~16:50 Coffee Break
16:50~17:30 Panel Discussion: 6G Trial Network

Moderator: Shin-Lin Shieh, Professor, National Tsing Hua University


  • Michael Dieudonné, Project Coordinator of 6G-Sandbox / Senior Director of Keysight
  • Rahim Tafazolli, Head of Institute for Communication System (ICS), University of Surrey
  • Harald Haas, Van Eck Professor of University of Cambridge/ Founder and CSO of pureLiFi Ltd.
  • Pang-An Ting, VP of Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) / General Director of Information and Communication Research Laboratories (ICL), ITRI
  • Charles Liu, Project Manager of Telecommunication Labs, Chunghwa Telecom
17:30~17:40 Closing





1. 台大醫院站:22 / 15 / 615 / 227 / 648 / 648綠 / 中山幹線 / 208 / 208直達車,步行約3分鐘即可抵達。

2. 開南商工站(近徐州路口):0南 / 15 / 22 / 208 / 295 / 297 / 671,步行約3分鐘即可抵達。

3. 仁愛林森路口站(林森南路口):295 / 297 / 15 / 22 / 671,步行約3分鐘即可抵達。

4. 仁愛林森路口站(仁愛路口):245 / 261 / 37 / 249 / 270 / 263 / 621 / 651 / 630,步行約5分鐘即可抵達。



1. 淡水信義線(紅線):台大醫院站2號出口


2. 板南線(藍線):善導寺站2號出口



1. 請沿林森南路往南過徐州路至台大醫院國際會議中心停車場入口進入。

2. 請沿仁愛路一段往西過林森南路至台大醫院國際會議中心停車場入口進入。



  •  "Kainan High School of Commerce and Industry " (near Xuzhou Road) : 0-South / 15 / 22 / 208 / 295 / 297 / 671
  •  "NTUH Hospital Station" : 22 / 15 / 615 / 227 / 648 / 648Green / 208 / 208 Direct / Zhongshan Line / Pinglin-Taipei
  •  "Renai-Linsen Intersection" (Linsen South Road) : 295 / 297 / 15 / 22 / 671
  •  "Renai-Linsen Intersection" (Renai Road) : 245 / 261 / 37 / 249 / 270 / 263 / 621 / 651 / 630


MRT (Mass Rapid Transit):

  • The Tamsui-Xinyi Line (red line): get off at NTU Hospital Station, Exit 2

Take the Tamsui-Xinyi Line (red line) to National Taiwan University Hospital Station Exit 2 and go straight to Changde Street. After crossing Zhongshan South Road, go straight to the left and then turn right to Xuzhou Road , it takes about 6 minutes to walk to.

  • The Bannan Line (blue line): get off at Shandao Temple Station, Exit 2

Take the Bannan Line (blue line) to Exit 2 of Shandao Temple Station, and walk south along Linsen South Road Qingdao East Road, Jinan Road, turn right when you meet Xuzhou Road, and you'll be there in about 7-10 minutes' walk.



  • Please go south along Linsen South Road and cross Xuzhou Road to the parking lot entrance of National Taiwan University Hospital International Conference Center.
  • Please go west along Renai Road section and cross Linsen South Road to the parking lot entrance of National Taiwan University Hospital International Conference Center.


Transport Information: